Bath Tub Refinishing Raleigh NC

What is bathtub refinishing

A bathtub for refinishingThe predominant bathtub styles have changed quite a bit over the years. They’ve gone from everything from bright colors to dark earthen tones to the brightest whites you can imagine. In the past you were pretty much stuck with what you had, you maybe could have painted over it but if you actually used your tub at all, that wouldn’t last very long before it started to ware away. Luckily, modern day technology has given us the amazing technology/process that we refer to as refinishing. Refinishing is completely different than painting, rather than simply covering up it works to bond directly to the surface of your tub and create a tight bong that’s extremely hard to break. It’s the only way to go, by far the best option out there. Looking for great bathtub refinishing company?

Professional VS DIY Refinishing

Reglazing your tub yourself at home with a DIY kit will generally use lower quality materials than professional will. Professionals are able to source and use the top of the line materials and process, they know from experience what is going to work best. You on the other hand, are only able to use whatever you can get your hands on, and chances are good that you have no or very little actually applicable experience. Not to say DIY kits are completely useless, but they just aren’t near the quality of what professionals are going to give you. The small parts of refinishing are what determine if the job is going to last for a long time or wash your money down the drain. Things like having proper ventilation while you’re working, getting the surface of your tub perfectly ready to take the refinishing, and other small things. One small missed spot during the refinishing can quickly turn into a large foot wide spot of missing coating, and that’s the last thing anyone wants to happen.

Refinishing process

When you’re looking at refinishing your bathtub, you first need to have the old glaze stripped off so you’re starting from the base again. A professional is typically going to use something quite harsh like hydrofluoric acid to do this, it’s important that if you are stripping the tub you get it completely cleared up. They then want to rinse all of that away and do some sanding. They don’t want it completely smooth, but they want a lot of small imperfections for the refinishing coat to grab on to. If you’re refinishing on a completely smooth surface, it’s not going to have anything to grab onto and will thus be more prone to falling apart. Next, all crack, chips, burns etc. need to be repaired and filled in completely. Professional refinishers typically apply two coats of fast-drying epoxy to ensure the finish coat adheres properly, and finish the process with a polyurethane topcoat to act as a final seal and layer of protection on top of it all. Instead of painting with brushes or rollers, a professional Raleigh bathtub refinishing company will probably paint with a spray gun, this just offers a smoothest and cleanest coat possible, avoids all brush marks and imperfections. You’ll get that nice glossy clean appearance that everyone loves and wants for their tubs.

How long will refinishing effect last

bathtub refinishing experts

Don’t start assuming that refinishing is going to act as an impermeable barrier for your bathtub, protecting it from everything that could happen to it. You need to care for your refinish/tub to keep it pristine for as long as possible. It’s really not too hard, you just need to stay on top of it. Most importantly, avoid using any abrasive cleaners or materials on your tub at all costs, the small abrasions that result leave spots for water to seep under and cause the refinish to start coming up! You’ll want to use non-abrasive things like washcloths and non-bleach cleaning solutions, anything that won’t cause any damage to the surface of your tub. We also suggest avoiding any suction-cup bath mats, these can actually tear the refinishing layer right up! As long as you clean often and are relatively careful, the refinish should last you for a good 10-15 years! That’s a fantastic investment. Check out bath tub refinishing Raleigh NC experts for more tips.

Bathtub refinishing professionals

Bathtub refinished gives you an ROI that not many other home-improvement related things can match up to. For a few hundred dollars, you give your tub another good 15 years of life and the unknowing visitor will never be able to tell that it was refinished. In the past full on replacement was the only good option for a damaged or ugly tub, but no longer! Bathtub refinishing truly is a great service, and something that everyone should look into. Get the tub that you’ve always wanted!